Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 20 September 2012

Hamburg day four

All those years ago when The Man was here he visited Blankenese, and it was one of those places he wanted to go back to. So a quick walk down to the local train station and we were on our way. Transferring at Haupbahnhoff, Hamburg Central Station to you.
Pretty soon we were getting off the train for him to take a walk down memory lane. Finding our way down to the waters edge was relatively easy, and as we knew we were close when between the buildings we spotted the bulk of a a passing container ship. It was one that we had seen on our harbour tour yesterday. Now its decks were piled high with multi-coloured containers.

The wind off the water was quite cold and I was very pleased to have bought my warm jacket. Tomorrow when we come out I think The Man will need his cap.
There are some very expensive looking properties in this area. Walking down through he cobbled stairways we spotted some quite old and cutesy buildings. 
Can you see the date on this one?  

Some of it was as The man remembered, but there have been lots of new builds. On our walk we came across a group of young teenagers, a cultural tour from Spain. All the youngsters we have talked to so far have spoken quite good English. It has only been the older folks who shake their heads at us when we ask if the speak English.
I can ask for two cups of coffee and cake, and say thank you , but that is about as much German as I can speak, I do understand a but though, well enough to get the gist if it is spoken slowly.
After coffee at a beach side shop we hopped on a bus, to see where it went, and found ourselves in Wedel, A pleasant little seaside settlement, where we sat in the town square to have our lunch.
Fed and watered we hopped aboard another bus back tot the local train station and then another back to Hauptbarhnfoff..
By now it was almost 1500 and too late in the day to make for our second destination so we contented ourselves with a walk around the city absorbing the cultural differences. And spotting the similarities.
The Man, with his excellent geographical sense got us back to a local store where we have been buying choosing our evening meal, from their salad bar.
Both of us are quite footsore today and we both agree that we will need very little rocking tonight when we have gone to bed.

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