Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 14 September 2012


TGIF. I’m always pleased to see the end of the week; it means that I get to spend a whole two days in the company of The Man. If it wasn’t for us commuting to and from work together, we’d hardly see each other at all on weekdays.   This rushing off to work in the morning, spending all those working hours apart and rushing home again to cook tea and catch up with the blog is purely temporary, thank goodness. OK we’ll live this lifestyle for a few more years, not that I am complaining you understand. I love London, there is so much to see and do here in the capital and we have barely scratched the surface in the two and three quarter years we have been here. Goodness me has it been that long already.

But I am even more pleased to have this week over and done with than usual. Why so, because The Man and I have a whole week off. Tah dah.
And what are we going to do with our week; well you will just have to wait another day or two to read about our holiday away. Tomorrow we are off south to a camping and caravan show. Just for the day that is. We’ll be off to a fairly early start, packed lunch in our packs, sorry, rucksacks as they are called over here. So enough of this late night typing. The Man and I are off to get our beauty sleep.
Watch this space…..

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