Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 9 September 2012

Did you know this about me...

 The Man and I have spent a very pleasant day at home. It still seems strange to call England home, though I have to admit in my heart of hearts it really isn't but then I think home is where I am living today. All through my childhood my parents always referred to England as Home, and I used to too, until a friend pulled me up on it. Now I think I understand the sentiment behind their calling it Home. For me though my home at the moment is here in England Home is back in NZ where The Man and I will return to one day.
Where is she going with this train of thought you might well ask. Go on ask away and I will tell you
I was going through some writing that I had done a few years ago and came across this piece, an exercise from a writing course I did. 

The Exercise is: to write 100 things about yourself that people may not know about  you.
1)      I wish I had a time machine to visit those that have gone before. I’d like a conversation with my Mother.
2)      I’d like to be able to read and play music, to be able to make a keyboard sing.
3)      And to have my very own piano.
4)      I wish I was unselfconscious enough to sing out loud when other people are around.
5)      When I was at intermediate school I really wanted to be a school cooking teacher, now I’d be satisfied with just being a good cook.
6)      I wish my sister and I were closer, not just in miles, when I see the pleasure that can be had from a close relationship I yearn for one too.
7)      I’d love to take a flight in a balloon, up up and away.
8)      Sometimes I dream of throwing out my entire wardrobe and starting again from scratch, with the help of a fashion consultant of course.
9)      I envy people who seem to be able to remember everything about their past, where they were when.
10)  I’m trying not to be pedantic; I have to make an effort not to correct writing as I go. Or to leave at least one teaspoon the other way around in the drawer.
11)  I’m scared that one day someone will come along and tell me that I’m not really a nurse that it’s all been a big game of pretend.
12)  My favourite meal is savoury mince with lots of veggies.
13)  I love chocolate sauce on my ice cream, in fact forget the ice cream just give me the sauce.
14)   I still want to write.
15)  I’d want to take away the hurt and protect my family from more. Now that they are all grown up a mothers kiss doesn’t have the magic power to make everything all better anymore
16)  I’d like to go to a ballet and an opera, just once. The nutcracker perhaps.
17)   I want to start the creative writing course all over again and I’d pay more attention this time.
18)  I want to travel to see the world. To stand in the whispering gallery in Saint Pauls Cathedral, to hear someone spouting forth in Hyde Parks speakers corner, to soak up the history.
19)  I want to find myself in others, to see a likeness of myself in cousins I am yet to meet. To hear their stories and know that they are part of mine.
20)  I want to swim with manta rays and whale sharks and killer whales and not be frightened by them.
21)  I want to learn to speak other languages to immerse myself in Spanish or French or German.

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