Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Todays news

There has been a bit of a fuss over here about a 15 year old schoolgirl who has run away from home with her 30 year old teacher. The interesting thing is that the two of them being watched by the school because previously they had been spotted holding hands at a school event. The mother has been on TV basically saying come home all is forgiven…yeah right.  The news has been full of it since the weekend, you’d think that nothing else had happened in the world. 

Oh but there has, Andy Williams has died aged 84. Andy who, do I hear you say. Andy Williams. He sang  Moon River, oh come on you must have heard of that song. It was the theme from Breakfast at Tiffanys. His TV show included regular appearances of the famous Osmond brothers. Now you must have heard of them. No! Donny and Marie Osmond were the famous brother and sister, part of the group. We would look forward to watching the show each week.

Had a phone call from The Man this morning that I wasn’t at all impressed with. What did he have to tell me?  That he was going to work late. Hmm that means that I will have no traveling companion for the trip home, good thing I have a book on my phone to read.

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