Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 17 September 2012

London to Hamburg to Bergerdorf

Crikey Mikey, as one on of our girls would say, that was an early start, I would say up with the sparrows but there are none to be seen around London.
The alarm went off at 0330, and by 0400 we were taxi-ing to East Croydon to get the train out to Gatwick. That was to get us to the airport two hours before flight time. On the TV programme Airline, we see folks having all sorts of problems flying Easyjet. Our flight took off well in time and soon we were being given the in-flight safety talk. That over and seatbelts fastened we settled back to enjoy the scenery.

Just over under an hour and a half later we touched down in Hamburg. Through customs and out to locate the trains. It was easy to locate the right train to get us to Hamburg Central and then to transfer to a suburban line out to where the hotel is.
About twenty three years ago the Man spent six weeks in Bergerdof, and he was looking forward to us getting out there and to showing me the the things that had impressed him. I really felt his disappointment as the place has changed immensely. The cobbled streets have mostly been replaced with modern pavings and many of the old buildings have been replaced with shiny new ones, but built in the old style. He was so looking forward to seeing the place as he remembered it, that's progress for you.
We came across a pretty park and within it was the museum. This is what ancient Bergerac must have have looked like in its prime. The tall stepped façade gave the front an imposing air. Around this area we found a few older buildings and it was easier to imagine how this town must have once looked.
Down a side street we came across four small brass plaques set into the footpath and on closer inspection the word Auschwitz leapt out at us. It was sobering and touching to read the names of those inhabitants of Bergadof who had been transported to and died in prisoner of war camps.
The Man wanted to see the factory where he spent a six weeks training course all those years ago. He had spotted it as we got off the train to explore the town. It wasn't hard to find our way back to the station and then to locate the factory.
Even that he told me had changed. Where once there was huge open area where the celebration fair was held to mark a special birthday of the then owner stood a huge windowless building. Obviously the Store, The Man said. The whole factory complex is huge and seemed to go on for ages.
Again I think he was disappointment that things had changed so much.
Footsore by now we waited at the nearest bus stop and caught the bus back to the station, and then the train to return to our hotel.
All in all it was a good day.
I had hoped to post pictures today, but the connection at the hotel we are staying in is sooooo slow that I gave up trying to download them. So you will have to wait until later

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