Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 28 September 2012

Friday usings

Ah. It is so nice to be sitting at home, G & T in hand. Knowing that tomorrow The  Man and I don’t have to get up early, absolute luxury. We’ve had two weeks of early starts and late nights, easy peasy when you are teenagers, but unfortunately The man and I can no longer call ourselves that. 
The teenage girls who ran away with her teacher has been located and her teacher mate taken into custody. Well he is one teacher who won’t be working at his chosen profusion for a very long time, if at all.  I thought he was a music teacher, but it was maths that he taught. I reckon he couldn’t do the math.  Something quite wrong with running away with someone who is under age. Though I thought that I heard today that the age of consent in France is 15. Looks like he will possibly be a guest of the government for a long while. 

I’ve just switched TV channels and caught the tail end of an add for a horror movie that makes the claim that   ‘you will never sleep again’ I don’t do movies like that; don’t want those sort of images in my brain, thank you very much. As those who know me will already be aware of I’m more a ‘Finding Nemo’ sort of person. Years ago I read The Exorcist and that freaked me out enough not to want to go anywhere near anything like that again.  I’m not at all keen on the blood and guts beat em up movies at all. Though a bit of action like the Bourne movies is ok. Don’t do bad language either. F this and F that is guaranteed to turn me right off. 

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