Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 29 September 2012

Lazy saturday

What a lovely day. Still and sunny a bit cool, but not unpleasant. Excellent to get all the washing done. Might not seem an important task for a sunny Saturday, but it really was, I had almost 2 weeks’ worth of washing to get done. I think I’ve said before that the laundry in or building has set hours that it opens and closes. So when I work until 1730 and by the time we get home it is too late to get any washing done because the laundry closes at 1900. It is a good thing that both The Man and I wear a work uniform. I think mine makes me look more like a hairdresser than a nurse. But it does mean that I don’t have to wear my own clothes to work in. Using the dryer does go against my greenie grain, but it beats turning the place into a Chinese laundry for the weekend.
So domestic chores done we grabbed the granny trolley at and went to the supermarket to stock up Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. There is a store around the corner called Iceland. Just about everything it sells is frozen, and you would be surprised at what you can get thee, Today I spotted chocolate covered strawberries.  They also have fried rice and veg, and all manner of Asian and Indian pre-prepared dishes, fish and chips, roast dinners, fully assembled hamburgers, just heat and heat; and all manner of desserts.
A couple of weeks ago during one of my lunchtime outings  at Canary Wharf I walked past a film crew, and the same chap who was talking into the camera was the narrator in a wildlife doco we have just been watching.  
We spent a very lazy afternoon, The Man dozing over a National Geographic and me with sorting out my genealogy folder. Tomorrow we’re meeting up with the son of a cousin who is interested in the family tree.

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