Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 23 September 2012

Goodbye Hamburg...

It is our last day in Hamburg already. The Man and I have had a great week, the weather has been on our side as usual, only had rain on one day and that was only for a short time.
We have just about walked our feet off, craned our necks, almost worn out the camera, become emotional (well I have) over the awful destruction of the city and its inhabitants during WWII, seen walrus and polar bear, been amazed by the miniature wonderland, loved the ease of getting around, intensely disliked the all to frequent encounter with cigarette smoke, (those of you who know me will understand why I don't use the 'H' word). Enjoyed the bus and harbour tours, practised our very basic German, and so much more. No pictures today as the lead that connects the camera to the computer is locked in the case, which is in turn locked in a locker at the central station waiting for us to pick it up on the way out to the airport. Will post pictures tomorrow
Hamburg ist schön

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