Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 24 September 2012

Home and tired...

The Man and I are rather tired.
Our plane was supposed to leave Hamburg at about 2200.
We waited and watched other planes come in disembark their passengers and load new ones and then take off again, without a sign of the one that mattered most to us.
Then came the announcement that because of  delayed  arrival our plane wad be delayed arriving.
Oh well nothing for it but o sit it out
The plane at the next gate was ready to leave and we heard several appeals for two passengers to hurry up tot he gate. Then last boarding call for the same couple came over the PA.A few minutes later the chap with the mike must have had a sense of humour because the next announcement was to the effect That they had only a few minutes to board. Then that they had better run as the doors were closing very soon. Then a final call saying that they wee about to miss their plane. Each announcement sounded funnier than the last and had us laughing..
Our plane  eventually arrived and was unloaded and loaded up again in quick time, and we were soon England bound.. But the delay meant that by the time we got home, took out essential things form the cases and climbed into bed it was half past one in the morning.
All too soon the alarm clock was beeping  and we had to get up to go to work.
So you will have to excuse me if I don't write much more 'cos The Man and I are about to got to bed.


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