Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Not much to say today...

Will you just look at the date, only 12 more weeks until Christmas day. I know, I know you aren’t ready to hear that yet.
The Man and I are almost over our travel tiredness. Must be a sign of age. Once we could party all night, well almost all night, and then be bright eyed and bushytailed the next day. Give us another early night or two and we will be back to normality. Whatever that is .
It wasn’t easy returning to work yesterday after such a great break, but we have two more holidays booked before the end of the year, and another for the middle of next year to look forward to. And am I going to tell you where we are going? Of course not. Well you have to have something to look forward to as well don’t you.
The weather hasn’t been very kind to certain areas of the UK flooding up north has caused a lot of problems and contributed to several deaths on the road. More rain is predicted too. We haven’t been affected. All that we have seen is a bit of wind and rain, which actually makes us feel right at home. Speaking of the weather, we have certainly noticed a drop in the temperature now that we are back in Blighty. It was only 8 degrees outside this morning when we left for work. Brrrrr.  It makes for a better night’s sleep for me, had to pull out the duvet for The Man though.
Speaking of sleep it is about time we hit the hay.

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