Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sunshine and apples...

Welcome back summer. Typical isn’t it, the minute the kids go back to school the weather gets better. It is strange that the long summer holidays fall in the middle of the year here. Right about the time NZ was planning midwinter Christmas celebrations the kids here were playing on the beach, well they would if the weather had been better.   Will the good weather last I wonder?

Boy did I have a busy day today. I’ve been working on my own this week as my colleague is on leave. We do onsite medicals for the officer where I work. This has become so popular that we have had to almost double up on the bookings to get through the backlog. All well and good I hear you say. And I would have said it myself had the receptionist not double booked my appointments. Not to be daunted by the chocka block appointment book I juggled a bit and did manage to get through them all. Good thing that one of the clients cancelled their medial at the last minute. I still have a pile of files to write notes up in, but should be able to get them out of the way easily in the morning. 

The Man and I popped around to the supermarket on our way home to pick up a few fresh supplies. In their ‘chuck out’ shelving were packs and packs of mini fresh apple pies that had best by dates of today. We’ve had some of these before and they make a nice little dessert with custard. At 34p for 8, I bought most of them to pop into the freezer. A quick and easy treat. And the custard? Well that comes in a tin at just 19p. I do not know how it can be sold so cheaply.

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