Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 2 September 2012

Out and about on sunday

Not a really nice day, overcast with the threat of rain. But that didn’t stop us from going out. Not a very exciting day for The Man and me. But we did go out, over to Croydon on the bus then, then via tram to Waddan Marsh. There is a cluster of stores over there, clothing, computer, furniture and a craft store. It was the craft store we were heading for. The Man wanted a few more jewellery tools and wire and I can never resist pretty sparkly things. So, he came home with tools, and I have a quite a few more beads to put together to make necklaces with. 

It’s always interesting to go by bus, to look at the different houses and if we are lucky into rooms and back yards. All going well for most of the run, then instead of announcing the name of the next stop, we are told that ‘this bus is on diversion’ . The first time it happened to me was when I was working somewhere else and those words sent a chill up my spine. I wasn’t at all familiar with the alternate route so stayed on the bus, wondering all the while where I would end up. Good thing I had my phone with me, I called a colleague who told me to just stay on it and wait and see. Well I wound up quite a long way from where I should have been, but near a tube station. I was two hours late for work that day It can be a common occurrence and nobody minded. 

Not only were we on diversion, at the next stop the driver had quite a discussion with an inspector and then announced, please get off and get on the bus that it is front. Some of the passengers were not at all happy, mumbling and grumbling at the driver. Well it isn’t as if he did it on purpose did he?

So today we just sat tight and enjoyed the ride. We’ve taken this bus before so it was nice to see a different area. After a while the bus got itself back on track and ended up at the destination we were heading to.

We came across some interesting fellow travellers on the way, a red bearded Father Christmas shaped chap with his shopping trolley in tow. Then there was the dark family all togged up in their Sunday best. Dad in his yellow and brown suit and the three kids all decked out in dark blue. I wonder if Mum made her skirt.

I wonder where he parked his sleigh

It isn’t unusual to see the afro-Caribbean families decked out like this. Not only that but you can tell they are either going to or coming from church because they are carrying a bible.

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