Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 1 September 2012

Blue moon...

have to feel quite a bit happy with myself today.
I’ve blogged for nine whole months and not missed a day. It has become something of a compulsion now. That’s OK though.
Really haven’t done much at all today. Nice to have a bit of a lazy day.  Very domestic today. I have gotten over my grumbles about the hour that laundry in our building is open. Daily, except Sundays, 0830 to 1900. Of course it would be nice if I could get in and do the washing when I want to, but I am nothing if not adaptable. I’ve gotten over my greenie attitude when it comes to dryers too. Well here on the third floor I can hardly hand the wet stuff out the window and with no clothesline in our communal backyard I’m not turning our wee flat into a Chinese laundry. It is rather satisfying to get it all done, washed dried folded ironed in the space of a couple of hours.
We did have a bit of a walk around the triangle of shops here at CP. Dropped into the library, the two ‘op’ shops that remain then the supermarket. Not exciting at all, but necessary.
This afternoon The Man worked on the jigsaw that he has been playing with in the communal lounge for the last month or so. Yes that’s right the one that he commented ‘oh this one won’t take me long’ and I turned don the computer to play on the family tree.
Unfortunately the not quite  full moon is mostly hiding behind the clouds. It was  the second full moon  in August   so it is a blue moon.  Yes, if there are two full moons in the same month it must be blue cos that is where the saying comes from, once in a blue moon. 
Moon over Crystal Palace

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