Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 8 September 2012

A great day for a walk in the woods

 Up and out early with our packed lunch and down to the station. We’ve been watching the progress of renovations at the station. Hey started  a couple of months before the start of the games. When The Man asked about it he was told that it was going to be up and running by the time of the games. That meant that we would have much less stairs to go up and down to get to the platform. Well the Olympics have come and gone, and the Paralympics’ finish tomorrow night/. Are the renovations finished? No they are not. No real surprises there. The Man was chatting to the station attendant who told us quite confidently that it will be opened on September 23rd. I’ll keep you posted.
So there we go on the train to London Bridge where we transferred to a northern line train and rode out to Totteridge and Whetsone. No not two stations, just one. When we left Crystal palace the skies were clear and blue, here though they were pattered with plane trails. 

Following our written guide we hopped on a bus and alighted as instructed at a cutesy country pub called the orange Tree. A short walk alter and we found ourselves where we were supposed to be, and began our walk in the woods.
It  pretty uneven underfoot and there were quite a few fallen trees for us to clamber over, which we did. Along the way we snacked on wild blackberries. I think I’ve mentioned before that here in the Uk they are not the nuisance weed that they are at home in NZ. Suddenly we heard a rapid tap tap tap…My frost though was …woodpecker. The Man and I stood and looked for the source of the sound hoping for a  glimpse of the elusive bird, but all we saw was a couple of crows. So it might have been the black birds as they can be clever mimics.
Our paper guide took us down some very expensive streets where it seemed that parked outside every house was a convertible. I kid you not. 

We had a very pleasant chat with a couple of the residents, who when the found out where we were from regaled us of their holiday tales in NZ. 
Before we turned around to go back tot he station I wanted to visit the local church and to see the extremely ancient Yew tree in its garden, Unfortunately a wedding was just getting under way so we had to make do with a quick wander around the churchyard

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