Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 7 June 2013

Yeah right....

I’ve said it before an guess what?
I’m going to say it again.
Friday yay
It’s been an interesting week. Work has finally gone computer with its notes. I kid you not. It has been like stepping back more than ten years. It should eventually make things simpler and more track-able. There is just a time gap in all our paper notes being taken away and them being scanned into the system. The good thing should be, and note that I said should be, that all pathology results will come electronically rather than faxed then mailed to us. Now the computer based system is already up and working at other sites, and you’d think it would have been simple to just add those of who work at our site to that system.
In the words of the well-known Tui bear advert. 

 And what are The Man and I going to do this weekend?
Well you will just have to wait and see.

We saw some interestingly dressed young men on the train on the way home and wondered if they were on their way to a fancy dress do.
The woman was an Amy Winehouse lookalike right down, or should I say up to the hairdo. The red-headed chap, and his hair did look natural, looked as though he had stepped right our of the 20’s. It was parted on the side and well slicked back and he wore tortoiseshell rimmed glasses. White shirt, worn under a black jacket, topped with a dress tie. Not a bow tie, but one of those that looked neatly folded. And his shoes, black with white trimming patterned with punched holes. I would have loved to take a picture of them, but it would have looked a bit obvious.

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