Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 8 June 2013

Not much going on hee

It looked much warmer out this morning than we thought. Wish I had worn my big jacket when we went out this morning, bright and early.
And where were we off to so early?

It was to my appointment for a routine screening mammogram.
Gooodness me is it really three years since my last one.
Something that really makes me laugh is when the techies squish the boob in their machine and when they are ready to take the picture they say ‘Don’t move.’ Hey, with a delicate part of my anatomy stuck in their gadgetry I’m not going anywhere.

That over and done with we caught he bus back to Crystal Palace for some lunch. A very nice mushie omelette and coffee at our favourite café.

The other day in a local paper I saw an advert about a dog show and local fair at Norwood Park. It’s only a short bus ride form here so that is where we went in the afternoon.
From across the park when the bus stop was it didn’t look as though there was much going on, and we discovered that it was a very small event. Just a few stalls raising money for various animal charities and not many dogs there at all.
Never mind, the day had warmed up a tad so we had a pleasant walk through the remainder of the park. There was a reasonable view out over the city too. 

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