Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 13 June 2013

Family pics

I’m just a bit into my family history and tonight I was looking at some of my family pictures.

I think this shot of my Mum and Dad has to be one of my most favourite ones.
They lived on opposite sides of Beckton Road. A cobbled street in Canning Town, in London’s East End. Mum’s family  at 21 and the Dad’s at 28. Most Canning Town residents worked on the nearby docks, The Thames Ironworks or perhaps The Beckton Gasworks. Mums father  was a Merchant Seaman, and Nan did her bit to support the family by doing domestic work and bar-maiding at the local Beckton Arms, conveniently situated just across the road, next to the fish shop and the bakery.

This next one was taken in Dad’s parents back yard. It may wellhave been taken during his ten days  embarkation leave before being shipped off to India.

And lastly here they are now in New Zealand, c1954-55. Yes, that’s me and my sister there too. I’m the little one. 

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