Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 26 June 2013

pause for though...

The Man and I were chatting to a chap who has become a friend. We see him almost every weekday morning on the train. He told us about his upcoming house move this weekend.
He told us that the packing had made him feel quite down.  It was seeing what amounted to his life packed up into so few boxes.
All we could do was commiserate with him.

I felt very much the same when The Man’s mum went into a rest home. I had the task of packing up her clothes in preparation. She was a good shopper and had a fair few really nice outfits that she would only wear if she went out. So it was only those outfits that I took in to her. The rest of her everyday clothes went into boxes to be stored in her garage along with the remainder of her household goods. We moved the tall slim glass fronted display cabinet into her new home, and arranged several of her prettiest pieces to their best advantage in it. I draped one of the colourful soft mohair rugs sent to her by a friend in Wales over end of her bed and the other over the back of her recliner chair in case it was chilly. The final touch to make the room ‘hers’ was to hang a few favourite pictures on the plain cream walls.

It made me think of the times when I had worked in elder care. How few possessions some of them had. The odd family picture, maybe a piece of furniture or two from their home, some clothes and not much more. .
There is more though. Something intangible, but nonetheless valuable, a lifetimes worth of memories and experiences.

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