Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 21 June 2013


Is it Friday again already?
Too right it is!

Not only that it is also the longest day here and the shortest day back home in NZ. 

And tonight the weather doesn’t look too bad at all. Well the sun is shining and there is blue sky showing.
But, and isn’t there always a but. But The Man tells me that it is supposed to turn to custard again tomorrow. Ah well can’t have it all I suppose.

We see some interesting get ups on our travels. Outside the building where I work a small group were attracting their fair share of attention. 007 lookalike, white shirt, bow tie and dress suit. OK that does sound pretty normal doesn’t it. But talking to him was a chappie in a grey bowler hat topped with spinning blades. As we walked past them one of the men was donning a morphsuit. We did wonder if they were out on a stag night. Hmm I wonder how morphsuit would be able to drink, or more interestingly go to the loo. ‘Cos the zip went all the way up the back of the suit ending on the top of his head.   

And how’s this for a stunning outfit. Black tights, slit all the way up the side, barely held together about every 10cm or so by little beads. But wait there’s more as they say. She was also wearing solid soled platform high heels decorated with zebra stripes.  

Not to mention all the young fellows with their trousers at half mast, making them walk rather oddly.

I suppose there is no accounting for taste is there.

Me, I’m a jeans and tee shirt girl.  

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