Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 19 June 2013

A bit of a detour...

It was a nice warm day today, Ok so it wasn’t the nice  blue sky that The Man and I would associate with summer, but hey it was warm. Not only that the warmth lasted all day. This is the first time this year that I’ve felt that warm.
All good you think? 

We thought so too.

That was until we got to the station to come home.

Canary Wharf Station is several layers deep.

So as we stepped onto the escalator down to the first level we saw that there was a pretty large crowd of people at the gates (where you swipe you rail card to get down to the actual platform level.
This happens occasionally, so The Man and I did what we normally do and stopped in t Starbucks for a coffee and a muffin.
More than half an hour later, plenty of time for a normal delay to clear.
And had it?
Nope it had not. In fact there was an even bigger crowd waiting to get through the gates. 

Hmm, methinks it is time for plan B.

And that was to walk over and catch the DLR to Lewisham. A bit of a walk on from there to catch the bus to Crystal Palace. 

It seemed to take forever for the bus to complete its run, not helped by road works.
By the time we got back it was almost half past seven. Much too at too think about cooking tea. Good thing we are on friendly terms with the local takeaway.

And as ofr summer, well it looks like it was just teasing.

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