Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 29 June 2013

Turned out nice again...

I’ve been wanting to go to one of the big libraries to look  at an atlas of Parish Boundaries, so after a leisurely start, and getting all the washing and drying done , we had a quick bite of lunch and went out.
At the library I snapped a few pictures of the appropriate pages and I was done 

Next stop British Museum to see and exhibition called Pompeii and Herculaneum.On the way  we walked past parts of the old Roman City wall

By the time we got to the museum it had turned into a lovely summer day so we thought that there might not be too much of a crowd to see the exhibition. We were wrong. With an hour or so before out timed entry we had a walk around and look at some of the other exhibits.
The museum is an amazing place. I love the way they have roofed the Great Court. At one stage it must have been open to the elements. Now though there is an exhibition space in the centre.

A few years ago we went a similar exhibition that was on at Te Papa, the Wellington museum. We were especially moved by the body casts if a couple of the victims and one of a dog. Poor creature it had no hope of escape because it was chained up. 
Unfortunately we found this current exhibition a bit of a let down . OK there were a lot of exhibits, and the though the commentary said that they were trying to parallel the lives of the inhabitants of the doomed cities and our modern lives there didn’t seem to be much humanity about it.

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