Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 28 June 2013

Wild life in the garden...

Yup that’s right here we are again at the end of another week.
The weeks are flying by and we are on the countdown to Christmas. I know it seems way too early to be even saying the word.

One of the things I like to do when we get in each evening is to watch the wildlife down in our backyard. Well I call it our backyard but it belongs to the building and is cared for by contractors so all we need do is admire it, which we do.

Last summer we were entertained by the antics of four foxes play and mock fight, often screaming as they chased each other astound the trees.
Then there are the crows, they are such ugly and menacing looking birds. We throw food scraps out onto the back lawn and we were initially surprised to see these large birds burying food scraps. I doubt that much would be left if the birds came looking for their booty. I think it would either rot away or the wily foxes might sniff it out.

This summer we have only seen two foxes and one of those looked like it had hurt one of its front paws as for a few weeks it wasn’t walking it. When we saw in earlier in the week it was walking on it but with a bit of a limp.
There is also small group of pigeons, hmmm Hey Mr Google what do you call a group of these cooing feathered critters? A flock, or flight, or even a kit.
Occasionally we see a few blackbirds, but no thrushes and certainly no sparrows.With the help of a CD of birdcalls I think I can hear robins and blue tits. 

Then yesterday after The Man threw out some leftovers we spotted a largish birth with bright blue patches. Aha I thought and scramble for the bird ID book and sure enough it was Jay. The very first one I’ve seen.

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