Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 30 June 2013

Is it summer yet...

I don’t want to say it too loudly or too optimistically…but I think summer might have arrived.
The sun was shining this morning and it stayed out all day. Not only that the breeze that has up until today been a  bit on the cool side, has lost its chill.

I’m going to reserve judgment though, just in case.

We had promised a friend that we would help him with his house move today so we caught the train down to Sydenham, just one stop away.

It was more unpacking than moving boxes and furniture. A small local moving company did the heavy work of getting his belongings from one flat to another. He didn’t move far really; just from one side ot the train line to the other. Not only that he is now a tad closer to the train line too.

The entire flat had had a repaint and looked good. Interestingly the paint job stopped just short of the grime on top of the high kitchen cupboards The Man is great, he got stuck with heavy duty cleaner and elbow grease. Now our friend’s precious pieces of china won’t get grubby from being up there.

This weekend a festival has been going on at Crystal Palace and the triangle was buzzing by the time we got back in the early afternoon. Across the road from us in a car park area striped stalls had appeared.
We walked between them on our way to do a bit of shopping a the local supermarket and stopped for a while to browse among the stalls and listen to a couple of talented female signers.

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