Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 23 June 2013

Short and sweet

The Man and I watched a beautiful moon last night. Not only was it full, but it was the closest it will be this year. We will have to wait another whole year until August next year for it to be that close again.

It made me wonder if it had anything to do with the huge storm that caused such a lot of damage back home in NZ. I asked The man and he said Nah.
The storm in Wellington is said to be worse than the one that sank the inter-island ferry Wahine back in 1968. 

We’ve been looking at a lot of pictures of the damage in and around Wellington and Lower Hutt, the clean-up job will be quite a mission.
Makes me grumbling about the windy and at times wet day we have had here in London see a bit petty.

The Man and I decided that we would have a day in today. I know it is pretty unusual for us, but hey we do need one occasionally

The man worked his magic in the kitchen and produced a superb bacon mushroom and eggs breakfast. I spent a lot of time trying to sort put genealogy stuff and I even subscribed to a new site. Not that a first glance it looks as though it has any more to offer than Ancestry, but you never know. And The Man had a play online too trying to sort out how to get a caravan back home to NZ.

So, not much more to say about today

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