Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 15 June 2013

I did not know that...

We went with Plan A today. Which was to go to Greenwich Maritime Museum to see a collection of incredible images from outer space. We went to via the rather circuitous route to North Greenwich first.  Unfortunately it was too windy for a flight in one of the Arab emirates cable cars across the Thames. The system was running but they weren’t taking passengers, never mind that will keep for another day.It was a short hop on the bus from there to Greenwich.

The Man is more than a bit interested in the stuff that’s up there in space and we spent a happy couple of hours looking at the superb images. Not all of them were recent photographs; we were surprised to see some very good images that were taken back in the mid 1800’s.
These days special filters and colour enhancement create some stunningly beautiful images.
Butterfly Nebula

We went with Plan A today. Which was to go to Greenwich Maritime Museum to see a collection of incredible images from outer space. We went to via the rather circuitous route to North Greenwich first.  Unfortunately it was too windy for a flight in one of the Arab emirates cable cars across the Thames. The system was running but they weren’t taking passengers, never mind that will keep for another day.
 It was a short hop on the bus from there to Greenwich.
The Man is more than a bit interested in the stuff that’s up there in space and we spent a happy couple of hours looking at the superb images. Not all of them were recent photographs; we were surprised to see some very good images that were taken back in the mid 1800’s.
These days special filters and colour enhancement create some stunningly beautiful images.

It really is hard to comprehend the vastness of the universe. Especially when you are confronted with facts like these.
Light travels at about 3,000,000 kms an hour
Earth lies within the galaxy we call the Milky Way, which is about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 km across. So light will take about 1,000,00 years to cross from one side to the other
Absolutely mind numbingly numbers.
One more final fact. Our moon is moving away from us at about 3.8cm a year. So in the time that The Man and I have been on earth it has moved away by about 2.3metres

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