Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 3 June 2013

From the news...

I do wish that news announcers would get their grammar correct.
I heard the following very sad news, that a woman was killed with her seven month old child.
No I’m not making fun of the tragedy that is exactly what the Sky news person said
What did surprise me even more was the fact that I had to explain the error to our, admittedly young, receptionist.

The Man and I were dismayed to read about thousands of alcohol fuelled revellers who filled parts of Regents Canal in inflatable boats. In the aftermath local residents woke to what was described as an unspeakably appalling state. Towpaths littered with broken glass and abandoned dinghies. Residents in the area found that their gardens had been used as toilets often openly peeing.
Apparently the organisers had tried to call it off, but obviously way too late.

Finishing on a good note is the news from New Zealand that the Queens Birthday Road toll is zero. Well done all those careful drivers

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