Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 9 June 2013


I’ve spent quite a few hours today trying to consolidate some of my genealogy information. 

So here’s what I know.

Wiliam HALL and Elizabeth HINSON are my maternal great great garndparents. There are notes   
They lived in Crowland, Lincolnshire
He was baptised 28 March 1805 and she 29 may 1805
Their  children that I am sure of were  
William HALL 1835
Elizabeth HALL 1836
Samuel HALL 1838
Ann HALL 1841  
Joshua HALL 1843
Thomas 1847

Thomas HALL was my great grandfather

Census records give the family address as:
1841       Town lane, Crowland Lincolnshire (no number)                no occupation listed . Thomas not born yet.
              William HALL      age 35
              Elizabeth HALL   age35
                John HALL           age 8
William HALL      age 7
Elizabeth HALL   age 5
Samuel HALL      age 3
Ann HALL             age 1

Also on the 1841 census also listed is William HALL widow age 74, living next door.
Next door to him was the Cook family (read further down the page and you’ll see why this is included)
Richard COOK                    age 35 occ Ag Lab
Mary COOK                        age 45
May COOK                          age 10
Jane COOK                          age 6
Susannah COOK                               age 1

And next door to them was:
                William COOK                    age 40 Ag Lab
                Amey COOK                       age 40
                Ann COOK                           age 12
                Amey COOK                       age 9

1851       108 Poor House Lane, Crowland Lincolnshire      
                William HALL      age 46   Head occ Ag Lab
                Elizabeth HALL   age 46   Wife
                John HALL           age 8     Son
William HALL      age 16   Son occ Ag Lab
Elizabeth HALL   age 15   daughter
Samuel HALL      age 13   son
Ann HALL             age 10 m  daughter
Joshua  HALL      age 8   son
Thomas                HALL     age 4    son  
Next door at 109 Poorhouse lane:
                Richard COOK    age 48 head
                Mary COOK        age 56 wife
                Mary COOK        age 16 daughter
                Susannah COOK age 13 daughter

1861       5 Poors Lane Crowland Lincolnshire
                William HALL      age 57   Head occ Ag Lab
                Elizabeth HALL   age 57   Wife
William HALL      age 27   Son occ Ag Lab
Elizabeth HALL   age 25   daughter
Samuel HALL      age 13   son
Ann HALL L          age 12   daughter
Joshua HALL       age 8     son
Thomas                                age14    son  occ Basket maker

Next door at number Poors Lane  6 was
Amy COOKE age 65 widow of Ag Lab

Next door to her at  number Poors Lane 7 was
                Richard COOKE age 61 head Ag Lab
                Mary COOKE      age 67 wife
                Susannah COOKE age 21 daughter
                John COOKE       age 3 grandson
                Samuel MEEKIN                age 71 lodger formerly a butcher

Next door at number 9 Poors Lane
                Peter HINSON age 44 head Ag Lab
                Sarah HINSON age 42 wife          
Susannah HINSON age 14 daughter
Rhoda HINSON age 5 daughter
Sarah HINSON age 1 m daughter

1871       90 Poors lane Crowland Lincolnshire                     
                William HALL age 67 head Ag Lab
                Elizabeth HALL ge 67 wife
Now here’s the link with the COOK family. Next door at 91 Poors Lane is
                Richard COOKE age 69 widow Ag Lab
                William HALL age 35 son in law Ag Lab (probably my great uncle)
                Susannah HALL age 31 daughter (of Richard, wife of William)
                Mary E COOKE age 8 granddaughter occ scholar
                John T COOKE age 12 grandson Ag Lab

1881       92 Poors Lane Crowland Lincolnshire (William HALL deceased by this time Elizabeth HALL described as occ Ag Lab widow)
                Living with Elizabeth (76) was her daughter, Elizabeth Baker, age 44. The younger Elizabeth’s occupation was Nurse SMS (Subsidiary Medical Services) she was also described as a widow.

Up until 1919 anyone could call themselves a Nurse. Putting Nurse SMS (Subsidiary Medical Services, i.e. anyone other than a properly qualified medical doctor) on a census form would have been an attempt to indicate that one was properly experienced and employed and not just the woman-up-the-road-who "did".

Neither Elizabeth show up on the 1891 census. Senior may well have been deceased.

I’ve  also found a possible set of parents and siblings for Elizabeth HINSON my maternal great great mother, on the LDS Family Search site.
Peter HINSON                   baptised 5 Sept 1785
                Thomas HINSON              baptised  12 March 1787
                Mary HINSON                    baptised 27 Jan 1787
                John HINSON                     baptised 14 Dec 1709
                William HINSON                baptised 7 Mach 1794
                Peter HINSON                   baptised 18 March 1796
                Peter HINSON                   baptised 18 May 1798
                Peter HINSON                   baptised 3 Apr 1803
Elizabeth HINSON            baptised 24 May 1805

A note about all the ‘Peters’, it wasn’t unusual to use a name for subsequent siblings if one had died

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