Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 22 June 2013

Stretham and beyond...

The day started off quite wet and windy and we did think that our plans for the day were not going to come off. We consoled ourselves by catching up with the progress of the third test match between New Zealand and France. No we couldn’t actually watch it, but  TV3 was posting reports every few minutes on its webpage. At half time New Zealand was in the lead, but only just with an 8 – 6 score. The game continued to remain a close thing until pretty much the end when New Zealand won 24 -9. Not only did they win this one, but he entire three game test series.

By the time the game was over back home the sun had made an appearance so The Man and I grabbed our jackets and walked down to the bus stop just up the road and caught the big red double decker to Streatham Common.
I saw an ad last week for their Medieval mid-Summer Festival. Despite the earlier rain there was a good turnout of craft stalls, face painting, bric-a-brac, plants, books and food etc.  We  had a nice wander about, admiring the have a go archery and were almost tempted to sit in on the children’s story time…I do love to listen to stories don’t you.
This part of the common we were in is called The Rookery. Apparently named for a house of the same name that was built back in the 1780’s.
In around 1659 mineral wells were discovered and Streatham became a fashionable spa village. The well in the formal garden is all that remains.

We were pleasantly surprised by the nicely maintained and colourful sheltered formal gardens and it was great to see such a lot of bees foraging in the flowers. 

Further though the park we came across a very large, but tired white house that looked as though it was home to a day care centre. When I googled it this eyeing I discovered that this manor house was indeed known as The White House and had been considerably larger. Unfortunately it was damaged by wartime bombing.

As it had turned out to be quite a nice afternoon we just kept on walking out through the end of the park until we came across a bus stop that was on the route back to Crystal palace. 
Saw this in a store window while we were waiting for the bus.

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