Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Saw it on the net, so it must be true...

Hmmm interesting things I saw on the computer tody.
Falls into the category of ‘I saw it on the internet so it must be true’

An ancient Egyptian statuette that slowly turns without any apparent outside help in a museum in Manchester, England, has locals spookily talking about the curse of the pharoahs. The 25 centimetre-high relic, an offering to the Egyptian God Osiris, was found in a mummy's tomb and has been at the Manchester Museum for 80 years. In recent weeks it has become the cause for consternation after repeatedly being found facing the wrong way. Time-lapse video of the statue of a man named Neb-Senu showed it rotating slowly by day, while staying still at night. Some scientists have suggested the rotation is due to vibrations caused by footsteps of passing visitors. That's the theory favoured by British television physicist Brian Cox, who teaches at Manchester's university. Manchester Museum curator Campbell Price, an Egyptologist, favours a more exotic theory, saying there may be a spiritual explanation for the turning statue.

Photos unearthed by a Christchurch archivist could help finally solve a 75-year-old mystery: What happened to Amelia Earhart? The photos found by Matthew O'Sullivan, the keeper of photographs at the Air Force Museum in Christchurch, could prove Earhart spent her final days as a castaway on a remote island north of New Zealand, and that she didn't, as some believe, die in a plane crash.  Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan were last seen taking off in her twin-engine Lockheed Electra on July 2, 1937, from Papua New Guinea en route to tiny Howland Island, some 4000km away in the central Pacific. Radio contact with her plane was lost after she reported running low on fuel hours later, and the massive sea-and-air search that followed was unsuccessful.

*Blow bubbles in the park
*Pretend you're six again
*Look at clouds and see what you can make them into
*Surprise your parents by cleaning the house
*Have a water fight
*Go fruit picking
*Go to Macca's in formals
*Make lunch for the elderly
*Share a drink with two straws
*Visit the RSPCA
*Have a burping contest

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