Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 13 October 2013

wet sunday...

What better way to start a wet Sunday than a sleep in followed by breakfast cooked and served by The Man. Nomnomnom.
He’s got bacon and eggs down to a fine art.
Yes it is a wet Sunday, just as well we went out yesterday.

We had a bit of a change around yesterday, putting that bookcase we scored to good use. I unpacked the books and papers off the little shelf unit that we already had thinking that we’d put the taller one there. My mum would have said ‘you know what thought thought…’
Yup you guessed it the smaller shelf unit is back in its original place and the newer taller on is on the opposite wall. Now all nicely stacked up with books. It’s good to have a bit of space on the shelves to for our collection of shells and nick knacks.
So we have had a nice quiet day in, well we did nip around to the supermarket late this afternoon to top up with a  few essentials but it had stopped raining by then.
I spent several hours online granny hunting and was rewarded by being able to add another set of great great grandparents, on Dad’s side, to the slowly growing tree.
I meant to share this with you the other day, but got side tracked…easy for me…
The Man recounted the story about how he was in a hardware store collecting something for work. Ahead of him at the counter was a pretty twenty something long legged beauty She was having problems with mice and not wanting to set traps to kill the little furry beasties was seeking advice she commented that she was really scared that one would hop into bed with her. The Man’s comment was ‘Lucky Mouse’  Both the long legged beauty and The Man went their separate ways smiling I’m sure,  for entirely different reasons

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