Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 19 October 2013

A day in 'Brum'

The Man and I had a very nice Indian meal for our tea.
I had an interesting dessert made from grated carrot gently cooked in milk so that that the milk was reduced. It was pretty nice too..
This morning we walked down the road to the business stop and caught a bus into Birmingham city.
We had a wander around a very large outdoor market called the Bull Ring. I don't think I've been in such a large one before. Then we wandered through the huge mall.
Up until now we've never found any cafe that asks if we want our muffins warmed.
Not so today.
And why do you think that was it was because the cafe was called Muffin Break.
The exact same as the ones back home in New Zealand. Very nice thank you.
The girl who served us said she thought the owner was a Kiwi..
By midday the crowd in the mall was huge, seemed to us even larger than a London crowd. To give you an idea of the size of the crowd we had to queue to use the escalator. We don't even have to do that in London.
The Man and I had a quick look throughout the museum and then with the help of a map we headed towards the canal.
We spotted several rover buses and after a bit of a walk found where they were departing from. The weather held off all day until we set foot on the narrow boat and stopped as we got off.  How's that for timing.

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