Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 22 October 2013

I've been creative...

I don’t know what’s going on with the weather.

This morning at 0630 it was all of 16 degrees. And it’s supposed to be autumn. Bit as someone pointed out t me later in the day it snowed in April.

Today I finally created and sent out the company quarterly survey. No quick task
The questions are pre-set by the company so nothing creative going on there, mores te pity.
A few months ago we ‘went computor’ and this has made a huge difference to how long it takes to get the survey out. This is because I can now ask head office to send me a spread-sheet of all the clients who attended our clinic in the preceding three months
Now comes the time consuming part. Copying and pasting the recipients emil addresses, ten at a time, into the ‘bcc’ address bar. That’s when I hit the send button.
Then open up the ‘sent mail’, click the survey invitation letter I just sent and click ‘forward’.


Then do it over and over again, each time deleting the ‘fwd’ in the subject bar, and the forwarded by details at the top of the message. Copy and paste another ten addresses   he into the bcc’ address bar and hit the send button.

Took me an hour or so, but I did get out more than 250 survey invitations
Next step will be to analyse the results next week.
So why the ramble about that?
Well it made me think about creating my own survey. 

That’s because as of now I’ve Geriatric OE has had more than 10,000 views.
I thought I'd really like to know what you thought about the blog, and  to that end I created a survey.
But I couldn't get surveymonkey to work.
I'd still like to know what you think...

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