Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 21 October 2013

and wht did you do today...

This morning I ran a flu vaccination clinic at the off site nurses clinic.  

Guess how many vaccinations I gave between 1000 and 1300

Go on guess.

I asked the same question of the receptionist at the main site.

Her answer was 50…what’s your guess?

Well I’ll tell you

Ninety one.

That’s right ninety one.

Ninety one times I spoke the following words…

Have you signed the consent form?
Not allergic to antibiotics or eggs are you?
Left or right handed?
Great, now unbutton your shirt and drop it off your shoulder.
The vaccination cannot give you the flu, the virus has been inactivated.
But it might set off some minor flu like symptoms, a few aches and pains and a fever, of course you will have a sore arm, mine’s a bit achy, had mine this morning.

If you do get those side effects take whatever you’d normally take…ibuprofen…paracetamol.
If you have side effects you’re not happy with, come back and tell me.
So there you have it, over and over and over and over and over…well you get the idea
Had your flu vaccination yet

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