Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 20 October 2013

Sorry about that chief...

First off let me apologise for all the typos in the previous two entries.
I have a good excuse, well a reasonably good one.

That’s because instead of taking the notebook computer away for the weekend all I had to update the blog was the Kindle.

Yes you read right the Kindle.
The Man and I travel very light and all we took for our weekend away was a small backpack each. And being very conscious of the weight, decided to opt for just taking the Kindle.
So I wrote the entry direct in the blog page rather than as I am doing no, writing it in Word, spell checking and then copying and pasting it onto the blog.

Nuff said.

The Man and I had a great weekend, we’ve made up our minds about which caravan we’d like to take back to New Zealand with us next year.
So him and me got back to Crystal Palace about three quarters of an hour ago, we’ve unpacked out backpacks and will pretty soon sit down to eat.
And that’s about all I have to say tonight…

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