Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 8 October 2013

itcy and scratchy......

Tuesday 8 October.
Just call  me spotty.
Give me a mo and I’ll tell you why.
Yesterday evening when we got in, I changed out of my work clothes as usual and…Well will you look at that, there on my calves was a very bright red rash. Hmmmmmmmm
As the evening progressed it spread and got ‘hotter’ and the skin on my face became quit lumpy oh dear.
During the afternoon at work I had noticed that my face was ‘burning’, but just thought that it was because the room was too warm…I still have membership to the hot flush brigade, so didn’t think too much of it.
But when I looked in the mirror after I got in I realised that there was more to it.
Later in the evening my lips became slightly tingly and strangely theta of my lounge was numb.
So what to do…
I took my own advice and took two antihistamines, a couple of extra puffs of my steroid preventer medication and called NHS direct. Seems I had done all the right things, but the phone person told me a doctor would call me within the hour.
And they did.
The doc reassured me I had done the right thing and suggested I take another antihistamine before bed, but to call them I it got worse.
Fortunately it didn’t, but this morning when I woke boy was I red faced…no…not with embarrassment but with rash.
So off to work I go at the usual time, but not to sit in buckys….cannot risk scaring the natives.
It’s re difficult to get into see our GP so getting one of my docs at work to see me was the best solution.
‘That’s good rash you’ve got there’ said the master of the understatement.
Take one of those strong antihistamines he said which I did. It made it feel better for a couple of hours and with the help of some other pills I made it to 1600.
Script for a steroid has now been filled and I’ve taken the first dose of eight…yes…eight pills
Fingers crossed they work their magic overnight so that I’ll be fit to face the public again.
And the cause? Well there are a few suspects the shrimp cocktail I had on Saturday, pear from lunch, the nectarine I had at the end of the day. Or it could have been my sammies.
In fact it could have been any one of a number of things.

On the plus side with all those anti histamines on board last night I did sleep well.

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