Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 12 October 2013

Plan B...

The Man and I had planned a day indoors today, but when we got up and saw what a nice day it was we threw out that idea and went with plan B.
Which was…
A return visit to the Natural History Museum, where I thought a photographic display was on…
Hmmmmmm Notice I said thought…
OK so it isn’t starting until next weekend...oh well it is a great place to visit anyway.
So first off we decided to go to one of the talks that are given regularly in the Attenborough Studio.
Today’s one was about how animals perceive the world. Aimed mainly at children, The Man and I learned a few things too.

The place was pretty crowded by the time we left in the middle of the afternoon so it was pleasantly quiet to be outside. We did our usual wander and spotted a bus going towards Clapham Junction. That’s an easy way to get back to Crystal palace without having to dodge the crowds on the underground.

Later this evening we flicked on the magic box in the corner and will you look at that a doco showcasing Windsor Castle, which is where we were this time last week. Funny that.

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