Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 23 October 2013

So, what’s in the news today then?

Well first off, young George, heir to the British Throne was baptised today. The parents, and who can blame them, wanted it to be an ‘intimate’ family affair. Grandparents and a couple of great grandparents were in attendance. I think it’s a nice tribute to Diana that they chose to hold the event in the very same chapel where she lay in state after her tragic and untimely death.

This next one falls  into the ‘what the…..’ category
A nursery worker has had a compensation pay-out of £7000. Not very newsworthy I agree. And why did she get a payout? It was because the pre-school she worked at banned her from speaking her native tongue which is, Polish. He employer banned her form speaking anywhere in the workplace, even the lunch room. This was despite the fact that several of the littlies had it as a first language. I’d have thought that it would be an advantage, so that there would be not communication problems with them or their families.

Do you remember the issues The Man had with his visa? Well this comes under the same category.
Second, a gangster who terrorised residents and business in South London could be back on the streets after ministers failed to deport him despite four years of trying.  The judge has given immigration officials another three months to get his travel documents and deport him or he will be released back into the community.

Thirdly. And finally, the headline ‘Londoners are easy prey for phone thieves’  is hardly newsworthy either, but it is a sad comment about life in the big city. Estimate claim that more than 300, yes 300 phones a day are stole in London. A prime pickpocket technique is to stand near the Beware of Pickpocket signs and watch s passers-by check the pockets, giving away where their valuable are. Don’t know about you, but I’d be tempted to booby trap a pocket or two. Knowing my luck the pickpocket would sue me for damages. I say that because last year we read about an injured trespasser who successfully sued the railway because he was able to get through a small hole in a fence and it was on railway land where he hurt himself.
Go figure that….

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