Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 24 October 2013

A bit of a ramble...

It’s no easy thing to write something for the blog every day, day after day. And some days like today the muse has not shown up so I am just going to have to wing it.

Yesterday evening after I’d published I set about trying to figure out how to order, online, the death certificates of The Man’s father and paternal grandfather.

OK yes I have to put my hand up and say that I do have copies of them already, but unfortunately they are  back at home in the lock up along with all our other belongings.
I went on to the NZDF website and discovered that as both of the men were born more than 80 years ago it is an easy matter of just requesting them and paying for them.

The good thing is that I will receive copies of them in an email.

So what do I want them for?
I want to order their military records. It’s much easier to do than it was getting my Dad’s British military record that took almost a year to arrive.
And another good thing is that from the NZDF the first order in a year will be free. So I will order one and The Man will too. 

It’s just a matter of waiting for the copies of the death certificates to verify their deaths nd then I can apply.   
The Man’s grandfather served with The New Zealand Expeditionary Force  (NZDF) and his father with the NZ Army, though when he got to England with the army he was seconded to the air force, or so the story goes.

Guess I’ll just have to be patient.

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