Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Tea time

Mmmmmmmm The Man and I have just finished our tea.
And what did we have?

Well I’ll tell you...
We had sausages.

Nothing noteworthy in that you might think.

It was for us because the things I’ve bought from the supermarket that masquerade as sausages are pretty awful. 

Thin and very fatty and tastiness …well not tasting anything like the real thing at all.
Believe me, him and me have tried all the brands that the local supermarkets have and decided after each one to cross that particular type off the list.
Occasionally if we eat out I’ll have bangers and mash, but even then the things are not up to par.
There a speciality butcher just along the road from where The Man works and their home made variety are very yummy.
Needless to say that he bought a whole lot of them and they are now very well stored in our little freezer.
He also bought a few fresh and thick lamb chops. They must have been pretty costly cos The Man wouldn’t tell me how much he paid for them.

We had the lamb last was a bit ho hum.
Oh well can’t win them all.

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