Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 25 October 2013

Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday

 Yes that’s right it’s the last day of my working week. 

And not only that, in just eight short weeks it will be Christmas day…lol

I’ve had a good day, ran another flu vaccination clinic, and didn’t get to stick needles in as many peeps as I did on Monday. Only 81 compared to 91 I did on Monday.

I think it is a bit sad when a client says ‘Oh no, I’m not having another one of those. It gave me the flu last time I had one’
That kind of thinking is simply not correct.
The virus in the vaccine is inactivated so all it does is challenge the immune system, and it is our immune systems that make us sick. Yes that’s right our immune system makes us feel unwell.
Viruses survive in a very fine range of temperature and so to kill the invading virus what does our body do? Yes that’s right it gives us a fever.
‘So’, I say to the misinformed clients ‘If you respond to an inactivated virus makes you a bit unwell how do you think you would respond to the real thing?’
End of lecture.

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