Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 23 December 2013

Weather woes...for some

The weather forecasters have go their doom and gloom hats on. They may well be right, but they do seem to relish the thought of a bad storm, something to worry, like a dog with a bone.
That is an odd expression isn't the worrying bit I mean, though I suppose it relates to the way the dog gnaws and chews at it. So when you look at it like that it makes more sense. The newscasters do like a good 'bad new' story to get their teeth into.
The headlines claim that it couldn't happen at a worse time of year. I would have thought that there is no time of year that is better than any other.
OK, it is very close to Christmas and lots of folks could be heading away,in fact I would think that a lot of holiday makers will have already gone,
The 2010 winter, the one before we came here, was I have to admit pretty bad. People got snowed in and lots of folks couldn't get to work.
It amazes me and The Man too that a country so far north is so ill prepared for bad weather. In fact the bad stuff can bring the country to a halt. Others we've talked to who come countries with much harsher winters shake their heads incredulously at the way the a bit of bad weather affects the country.

OK enough of that.
And now for something completely different.
For some reason the words of an old nursery rhyme popped into my brain and do you think I can remember the rest of it,
Off to bed said sleepyhead
Tarry a while said slow,

I started out with the weather and I'll finish with it too. The Man and I are, as I write, on a coach ( have you noticed that I don't call them buses any more?) being driven northwards. The other day at work someone asked me if we were going somewhere warm and sunny for Christmas. They were almost incredulous when I said no, that where we were would be cold. But The Man and I are after a different experience, warm is what we will get when we get back home to New Zealand

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