Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 8 December 2013

Lazy Sunday

Yes, two days in a row, well i cant let my public down can I, all many is it now lol
After  very nice brekky cooked by The Man's fair hands of course we wandered down to the local bus stop. Past the street traders with thier wares spread out across the footpath. It remined of us when him and we used to be market traders back home in NZ.

On a Friday evening The Man would have ou high top Nissan safari packed to the roof with out goods and gazebos, ready for the off early on saturday morning.
When we got there we'd set to and unpack our wares, bits of interesting china, glass teapots, glass diamonds, and lots and lots of sea shells. The clever man made garden ornaments in the shake of  koru, from pumice and galvanised wire. They sold like hot cakes.
We got pretty good at it and began to buy in from a couple of wholesalers. I did most of the buying, and my rule of thumb was that the product had to be something I would buy.
I only broke that rule once. On a buying trip to Auckland we took a family member with us. He convinced me that a particular product that was really inexpensive would sll well. I took some convincing and in the end bought a dozen.
And did they sell well?
No they did not.
Cutting a long story short we sold them at a discount and the last one we packaged up and sent it to said family member as an early birthday present.
Needless to say I never broke the rule again.




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