Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 15 December 2013


The Man and I had a sudden wakeup call at about one o'clock this morning. The footsteps overhead sounded like a high healed prance across the floor in the room above ours. Clippety clop clipety clop, backwards and forwards several times before the occupants settled in for the night. Ah nice and quiet. That was until 0500 this morning, when clippety clop up and down up and down. My fertile imagination provided the wearer with a bright red corset and fishnet stockings worn over long sinuous legs. After breakfast we left our things with the very friendly receptionist and went walkabout while waiting for my cousin to arrive.. There are some very old and interesting half timbered houses around.
We stayed here.

Legs stretched we returned to the hotel and enjoyed a coffee while wed waited for my cousin to arrive. I scanned and photographed some of the pictures she had brought with her yesterday. OK it might be doubling up on them, but I'm a great believer in hedging your bets.
Pictures I've scanned before have come out better than photographs, but I wasn't prepared to risk just scanning.

I can recommend the Rose and crown if you're ever looking for somewhere to stay in colchester, excellent value and great atmosphere too.

In the afternoon my cousin drove us out a little way into the country for lunch.Very yummy. Roast beef so tender it melted in the mouth, if I could get mine half as tender I'd be happy. Seems the trick is to sow cook it overnight. No hope for me then.
We're on our way back to London but will come back this way in February, hopefully by then my cousin will have sorted through her pictures and found me some more.

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