Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 9 December 2013

A flash of red tartan ...

When we were at the mall in Bromley yesterday off in the distance  I could hear carols being sung.
Nothing unusual in that is there after all it is that time of the year.
The singing got louder and louder and as we rounded one of the corners there in front of us was a group of carollers raising money for Samaritans.
Decking the halls of the mall with their voices, we heard the Bells of Christmas jingling all the way in their songs.
Listening to live performances like that always chokes me up. So does live bagpipe music.
Strange that 'cos the recorded stuff doesn't have the same effect.
Talking...well actually writing about the men in kilts reminds me of something I saw on saturday.
And doesn't a bloke in a kilt look amazing. I've tried for years to get The Man to agree to wearing one.
 And will he?
Nope, despite the fact that I think that a man in a kilt looks very sexy.
anyway, there I was at the  station when this chappie in a lovely red tartan kilt walked past, handsomely kitted out in matching hose and spats, carrying a chanter and what must have been bag pipes in a bag.
I resisted the temptaion to engage him in conversation.
He got off the train ahead of me and was out of the station in a swagger of  red tartan. 
i overheard a cooment about hi from two young fellows coming down the  starrs.
"Well" one said to the other turning to look at the disappearing scott. "That's not something you see every day is it"?
" Nope" said the other "I've never seen an Indian in a kilt before."

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