Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Just a wee one

Ah nice numerically correct date that, there is something decidedly odd in writing numbers that don't sequence, and yes in my job I do have to hand write the date...not often I grant you, not often enough.
Small blog tonight cos The Man and I are off to the movies shortly.
Going to see Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson in Saving Mr Banks. Saw the trailer a few weeks ago and it looked a good one. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.
Went to a radiation protection course this afternoon. Not what you think. As part of our the expanding scope of practice we will be able to request x-rays directly rather than just filling in the form and getting the doc to sign it, often unseen by the doc. But now it will be official.
There were some interesting statistics bandied abut. Did you know that granite gives of quite a lot of radiation in the form of radon? Here in the UK some homes being sold need to have a radon report, and in places like Canary Wharf where I work the level is high due to all the granite in the buildings.
The amount of radiation you receive for various procedures can be staggering.
OK the stuff is out there in the world, from the sun, the food we eat. Did you know that the potassium in bananas, which is good for you, means that they are also high in radiation. Hang on don't chuck them all out, you would have to eat huge numbers of the fruit and anyway the body would excrete any potassium that you don't take up.

So on that chearie note I will sing off and we are off to the flicks

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