Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 22 December 2013

Lazy sunday

It was really nice to have a lazy day, and  it’s been ages I since The Man and I have been able to do that.  We got up so late that breakfast became lunch. And what a lunch. The Man did what he does incredibly well and magiced us up  scrummy bacon and eggs, Nom nom nom
I spent a bit of time writing, not getting terribly far with my story, but making slow progress.
Florrie, grandma, in 1911 was as I wrote yesterday working in a jam factory  . I do like to get my facts right so I asked a couple of questions of a Fb buddy and then followed up on the answers,
Said buddy pointed me in the direction of another blog, and pent a while reading the posts.
Things like wasp problems hadn’t  occurred to me, so a little more grist for  writing  mill
I also acted  their suggestion  and sent enquiry emails to both Cross and Blackwell and Unilever who bought what was Morton’s factory. I’ll keep you posted on that one.
I couldn’t find granny’s  street on a modern map but again with the help of a FB friend was able to locate it on an old one. Interestingly, it is pretty near where my other granny lived in Denmark Street, which was only a couple of miles away.

Tomorrow The Man and I are off on holiday tomorrow. I will do my best to blog daily.
So if I don’t get to say it on the day
Merry Christmas to you and may the new year be everything you wish it to be.

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