Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Saved by a mistake ...

I've been doing a bit of background reading for my family tree writing.
I came across this information in a book called A Historie of London and Londoners.

The date was 1941
On December 7 Japan launched an unprovoked attack on Pearl harbour...America was now in the war allied with Britain  against the Japanese who had already attacked British forces in Asia. This n turn brought America into the European war against Germany Within months American forces were stationed in Britain for the duration
Britain had stood alone until now and was at the mercy of German forces that had already occupied the Channel Islands. Hitler. had put off the invasion of Britain to concentrate on Russia This turned out to be his biggest mistake, as he could have walked into Britain with little or no resistance. Had he done that America would never have been able to get a foothold in Europe to station their troops and air force.
Britain was saved by that simple mistake.

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