Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 6 December 2013


Didja miss me?
OK I know that  have broken the chain of bloggs by not posting for almost the last week.
I had problems with the internet connection while The Man and I were away so not posting   
during that week is excusable, but's no excuse for not posting after we got back.
we had a fabulous time and I will tell you about it but not tonight.
I have lots of pictures to sort through and edit so be patient.
We met some great people on the trip, so if you are reading this Houston Girls Him and me say hello.
This morning on my way to Starbucks for my regular morning coffee and skype with the kids I saw a well dressed chap in a suit, large camera slung around his neck, was walking hand in hand with a santa dressed toddler. He was heading in the direction of the santa grotto. I couldn't resist stopping him and saying, 'your santa has a way to grow yet'. we both had a laugh.

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