Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 14 December 2013

Saturday musings...

Only another ten days until Christmas Eve...OK so you probably really didn't want me to remind yu of that did you.

The man was just remarking to me how fortunate we are with our family.
Last night at dinner we sat next to a couple that we have gotten to know really well .
The wife, who I'll call Mary said that they were going to re write their will and write their son out of it. Son lives on the other side of the world in NZ and they are terribly unhappy with the way he has been corresponding with them. They don't like his wife or their grandson either. Mary said that the only time they heard form him was when he wanted money and then it was his wife who came to get it (when they were still living in the UK).
The Man and I hear this sort of story fairly often and it makes us sad for them. Family are so important, and we are so blessed with our

Last night The Man and I caught the late train over to Colchester. I have a cousin who lives here who is also interested in genealogy and we had a great time today talking and looking at pictures she had brought to share, some I hadn't seen before. There were a few I already had and a plus there was that they had the date they were taken on the back.

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