Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Scarboriugh is grand

Tuesday 24 Dec 2013
Oh dear it looks like the weather men were right, at lest for some parts of Britain.
Heavy rain and flooding in Surrey, strong winds in Manchester and Rail lines in Devon obstructed. Airports Gatwick and Heathrow are also affected by high winds. One airport had a power supply failure affecting luggage belts and departure boards.
And are The Man and I affected, thankfully no. We arrived in Scarborough last night, just in time for tea at The Grand Hotel where we are staying.
And grand it certainly is.

The 300 plus room hotel dominates the seafront.
After a very nice breakfast we were on the coach and off to Whitby. The Man and I visited here in 1998 when we stayed in a youth hostel up at the old abbey. The ruin was the inspiration for Brahm Stokers Dracula. The James Cook Museum that we were hoping to visit was closed. Undeterred him and me had a fossick on the beach and a walk around the town before out time was up and the coach took us on to Goathland. That mightn't sound familiar, but if you are a fan of Heartbeat then the town of Adensfeild might. It is the tiny town where the TV series was set.
We called in at the only café in the town and when I went back for a second coffee and a scone the very helpful (not) woman serving said we're not serving any more food, we're closed. She did make the coffee tho. We couldn't understand her turning down paying customers at half past two in the afternoon. And she didn't only turn us down, there was a another whole coach-load of tourist pulling up as ours left. Oh well, I guess the business must be thriving if it can turn customers away.
It was still early when we got back to Scarborough so after a comfort stop The Man and I put our warm gear back on and went for a walk into the town.
We were attracted by what sounded like live Christmas music. There in the main shopping precinct was, not a band but a huge electronic music maker. In the back of a special truck played piano accordions, pipe organs and drums all controlled by a computor. The chap with it said that it can play continuously for seven days without repeating itself.

Scarborough is a pretty place, even more so in the evening. We spotted a very pretty view over the harbour. What do you think

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